September, 2015

You are invited to…

Posted on: 23 September 2015 by John


John Shipman invites you to The Great Journey of a Lifetime

The Great Journey of a Lifetime: Hold onto the Rope — an independent Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto 2015 installation suitable for all ages presented by John Shipman and the Department of Household Sciences & Advanced Proverbs — on 3 October at St. Matthew's United Church, 729 St-Clair Avenue West.

Invitation · Joy Shipman

Just delivered & ready to braid

Posted on: 6 September 2015 by John


Delivered earlier this week: 600 feet of 1.5-inch line on a four-foot high reel for The Great Journey of a Lifetime's ten decades-long, braided and knotted StoryRope — photos and more here.